A Day in the Life of JonnyQ888

A Day in the Life of JQ888

Friday, February 27, 2015

The Deadlines

I just had the weekly call with Roger and I established a set of deadlines for the weight loss site.

Sunday, March 1 - Complete Final Design and Structure
Sunday, March 7 - Finish Initial Content
Sunday, March 14 - Finish Marketing Materials
Week of March 21 - LAUNCH!

This is not overly aggressive but I do think that splitting the milestones in this way will help a lot.  In the past, I have found myself worrying about varying aspects of a project so much that I would lose focus on the tasks I was actually working on.  This way, I know that I do not even have to think about making a marketing email until after March 7th. 

That will relieve a little bit of stress at least.

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