A Day in the Life of JonnyQ888

A Day in the Life of JQ888

Monday, May 23, 2005

The Job is Killing Me

It is soooo boring. I keep telling myself it's temporary but it's not much consolation. Sigh, could be worse. I could have no job and no means of supporting my business in it's infancy while at the same time living with my parents. That puts things in perspective real quick. Working still sucks though.

Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch...
I wrote another short informative article today. Nothing fancy, it's not even something that will draw traffic. It's just something that I felt like writing.

I heard from Ezine Articles and they told me that they also deleted the guy's account and his articles. I didn't think the guy who's name was on my articles was responsible but through their actions, GoArticles and Ezine seem to suggest that he was. They were quick to respond to my email about the name switch but when I asked how this could have happened, they are both strangely silent. It does make me a bit hesitant to publish my articles but they are a good source of traffic. I've only submitted to three locations and I get a 1-3 people a day from the articles. I know that if I were to make a concerted effort and really get the articles out there, it would help a lot.

I guess it's time again for my scheduled dip in motivation. Despite how boring work is, I can't seem to get motivated to do too much on the business side of things. I know exactly what it is; my impatience. I want thousands of visitors yesterday even though the site has been up only a week. Positive note, after dropping down to 114 in yahoo I am back up to #44. How long that will last is anyone's guess but hopefully it's all upswing from here.

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