A Day in the Life of JonnyQ888

A Day in the Life of JQ888

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Site Plan

Yesterday I finished the rough draft of the plan for the affiliate marketing website. Its pretty much just in outline form covering the basic pages the site will include. I need to go back and refine it a bit to make sure I cover everything that should be on a website. After that I'll determine which articles would probably bring in the most traffic from search engines and work on those first. At this rate, I should be ready to post content on the site the day I acquire my start-up capital.

In regards to the start-up capital, I've determined that it'll cost me $600 for this site. $300 of that is for the SiteBuildIt! software and the other $300 is to get Yahoo! to list the site in their directory. I know that you can submit a site to the various search engines for free but to get in the Yahoo! directory quickly, it'll cost you. I've also heard that being listed in the directory helps your ranking with the other search engines so $300 seems to be a good investment to me. If any of you have any suggestions, let me know.

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  • BAH don't spend 300$ on yahoo, you can still get listed, it's just going to take a little more time.Like 8 weeks I think. save that 300$ my friend hehe. I was thinking of looking into Sitebuild it, but wowza, 300$? I'm just glad I got the knowledge from a 10$ book :P see what I coded for myself up until now, www.myfinancialquest.com. By the way, I'm putting a directory of sorts, of blogs I find wich relate to wealth building. Would you mind if I put your blog in it?

    By Blogger Unknown, at 2:58 PM  

  • I'd definately like to get into that directory. If you don't mind, I'd like to put a link to your blog on here.

    The whole SBI thing has been a tough decision for me and when I was finally ready to go for it, you have me questioning it again=) I'm glad though because I need to do a really in depth analysis on whether it'll be worth it or not. The thing that really colored my opinion on the subject was this article, http://www.associateprograms.com/search/affiliate-programs.shtml

    By Blogger JonnyQ888, at 5:28 PM  

  • Oh I didn't mean to discourage you, I've heard alot of good things about SBI, I just didn't know it was 300$ lol

    By Blogger Unknown, at 8:11 AM  

  • Well I don't really know how SBI will serve us content-based business owners, 'cos I never used their service before. However, I think it's better to conserve $300 to other investments, such as hiring or paying a writer to add more articles, instead of us (the owner) writing. The writer should be someone who's genuinely interested in our topic. Just and opinion ;)

    By Blogger Beta Ismawan, at 10:57 AM  

  • Prior to going to the Rich Dad forum today, I hadn't considered hiring a writer to take care of some of the work for me. After reading one of the posts, I did go looking for free articles that I could include on the site to bloster my content. At this point, a hired writer may be a bit premature but later on it would be nice to have someone else keeping the site fresh while I bask in the sun.=) I think that will all be contingent on how well the site does.

    As far as discouraging me from SBI, you guys aren't doing that but what you are doing is forcing me to make sure its the right decision for what I want to do. That's a good thing.

    By Blogger JonnyQ888, at 2:16 PM  

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