A Day in the Life of JonnyQ888

A Day in the Life of JQ888

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Surprises Upon My Return

I'm back from San Antonio. I had a chance to hear my little brother play saxophone for the first time in 5 years. He's good, I had no idea that he had improved as much as he had. I missed out on a lot of the stuff like that with him because of school and work. That is one of the main incentives for becoming financially free; so that I won't have to miss those things with my kids one day.

Well, I get back home and check my stats. I see a bunch of visitors from Google. No big deal, the visitors from Adwords appear the same way as those with a regular search. I take a closer look and notice that the term the person searched for isn't something from my Adwords campaign. It's "home theatre accessories". I click on the link. To my surprise I'm #4 in Google! Despite my personal feelings about how Google does things, I'm pretty happy. Then I see another person came from Google. Their search: "home theater accessories". My position: #6. Now the question is whether this is a quasi-permanent thing (nothing seems to be permanent in search engines, only quasi) or is it going to pull what Yahoo did in my first 2 weeks and put my on the first page only to drop me back down to #354 (only a slight exaggeration). Only time will tell.

I'm curious about the amount of traffic I get from Google on a week day. I had 20 visitors today and it's a Sunday. Usually Sunday is a single digit day for me. I'll keep you posted, as always.

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