A Day in the Life of JonnyQ888

A Day in the Life of JQ888

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Back From "Holiday"

"Holiday" as you international times put it=) And there is so much work to be done. This duplex is in rough shape. I tried connecting the washer and dryer last night and the valves from the house started leaking. This whole duplex thing has been a practice in due diligence. If you don't take it seriously, you WILL get burned. I have to admit my fingers are a bit singed at the moment=)

Sales have dried up. I need to get on my marketing strategy quickly. You'd think I'd jump on this since it really has the potential to get me out of the rat race but with my home in chaos, it is hard for me to focus. I'm sure you understand. Plus, the magic sales letter email that generated 3 sales was not transferred to my laptop before I left town so I was unable to incorporate it as a permanent part of my autoresponder.

Tonight I will try to get the duplex in order so that I can work on The Biz. Oh, last night I had dinner with some friends and my Biz came up in conversation. We started brainstorming and came up with an idea for a membership site. We will see out that goes.

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