A Day in the Life of JonnyQ888

A Day in the Life of JQ888

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Race to $200+/Day - Product 1 Established

With the latest sale of the Clickbank product I've been testing, I have reached the break even point. Now it is time to optimize the campaign and keywords. Unfortunately for me, my laziness kept me from setting things up properly for this campaign in the beginning. This means that I don't have data on the keywords that generated the sales.

A few moments ago, I finished setting up the ad/keyword tracking. Now I will be able to keep the winners and cut the losers during optimization. The goal is 100% ROI in the least. Looking at the traffic levels and the current conversion rate, it appears that this product could produce around $50/day with optimization of the campaign.

The other campaign my affiliate manager provided for me is producing leads but not at the rate I need. Considering that my ads are the only pre-sale available for the landing page, I think doing a better job with my ads will increase conversions.

Let's find out=)

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