A Day in the Life of JonnyQ888

A Day in the Life of JQ888

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

The WAVE of the Future

Alright, so I may be exaggerating a bit but not by much. I've spent the day setting up my XML feeds on various directories. You can see some of my handy work, the colorful little buttons you see at the bottom of these posts. The way it works is you, my faithful reader, click on one of the buttons that corresponds with the service you use most regularly. For the sake of argument, we will say Yahoo! After you click on the little Yahoo! button, you will be taken to your "My Yahoo!" page and this site will be added to the various information windows there. In this way, you will know when I have updated the blog while you are checking your Yahoo! mail, reading the news, or what have you. Its actually pretty cool if I set everything up properly. There is absolutely no guarantee that I did, so if you come across any problems let me know. In fact, I believe there may be a problem with the MSN button. Test it out and let me know. The reason I say this is the wave of the future is because I can see this being quite beneficial in bringing in traffic to the website I am working on. If this experiment is successful on this blog, I will definitely include it on the affiliate marketing website I am building for business. I think the benefits will be threefold:

1. Repeat traffic - These feeds could supplement if not replace an email newsletter. I think people would be more willing to take part in a newsfeed than give their email address for an newsletter.

2. Availability in more directories and search engines - There is a multitude of directories and search engines which cater to these news feeds. In fact, it seems like Yahoo! may start promoting this heavily in the near future.

3. More links - #2 actually lead into #3. As some of you know, the more links you have coming into your site, the better because it is one of the criteria search engines use when determining where your site will rank in the search results. This is especially true with Google, or so I've read=)

Last night, I finished 3 outlines so I'm back in the swing of things after this weekend's hiatus. If I continue at this pace and continue to have luck with the topics I am researching, I think I could have all of the topics outlined by Friday of next week. With the outlines complete, I will go back and determine how to go about writing the articles in a manner that will have the necessary keyword density in order to do well in the search engines.

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