A Day in the Life of JonnyQ888

A Day in the Life of JQ888

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

For a Moment I Lost My Way

While doing my keyword research, I got so caught up in the amount of potential traffic in some terms that I forgot my objective. Everything I've read on making Adwords work says to keep the target audience tight and, for lack of a better word, nichey. I lost that. Subsequently, my Adwords account was "slowed" meaning Google isn't showing my ads as often until I get my CTR up. I need to return to my laser-like focus in the keywords. I'm talking about precision weapons quality here. My ads would not be seen by thousands of people a day, but those few who would see them would be in the market for what I'm selling. That's laser focus, people. I need precision like Rocky needed speed.

Looking back, I can say that the thing that I put the least amount of time into were the actual ads people see. This seems to be a recurring theme with me. The most important thing is the one thing I focus on least. Same thing happened with the home page of my site. Now it's decent but at first it was pitiful to say the least. The problem now is convincing people to click. I could be provocative but as you know, I have a tendency to be verbose in my writing. That doesn't lend itself to being effective in the 25 characters or less limit of the ad headline. This is definitely an exercise in personal growth here=)

Big congratulations to Tara. She made her first sale today! I know how hard she works on this and I'm glad things are going well for her. Soon she will be beating people away from her sites with a stick!

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