A Day in the Life of JonnyQ888

A Day in the Life of JQ888

Thursday, June 09, 2005

You're Fired! - Jonny Style

As I told BJ today, "Overhaul doesn't quite describe it aptly." I read somewhere that when taking over an ailing company, one should fire all the leaders first because they obviously just didn't cutting it. That is what I did with my Adwords account. The Adgroups that weren't a part of the highly focused strategy - FIRED! The ad copy that wasn't getting the clicks - FIRED! My original keyword list - FIRED! And the list goes on and the heads did roll. I'm finding new keywords. Thanks to Tara, I'm writing new ads. This will work eventually. I am still convinced that Adwords is viable, just not in the methods that I had been using.

I need to keep perspective on this. PPC is just a small part of the overall strategy. I need to make sure that I don't devote too much time to it at the expense of the site and creating new ones.

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