A Day in the Life of JonnyQ888

A Day in the Life of JQ888

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

No Excuses

Earning last month were abysmal. Here's the break down.

Adsense: $82.07
Best month yet. This was the only shining light of the earnings for January.

Earnings: $34.94
Expenses: $43.46
A rash of cancellations in the beginning of the month forced me into the red and made me stop the campaign after the sales stopped.

Earnings: $2.66
Expenses: $15.23
I don't care where you are in the world, I know you can hear me bring the ax down on this one. This is the reason for my decision not to promote anything that doesn't pay at least $8/sale.

Earnings: $0
Expenses: -$16.38
Saved by the Overture Coupon! Amazingly, I stayed in the black on this one because of that free coupon. I couldn't buy a click (literally) and ended up still having some credit left over.

$100/Day Challenge Breakdown:
Earnings: $37.60
Expenses: $58.69
Profit: $-21.09
In my calculation, I did not include the $16.38 I still have on the coupon since it was free. Like the title says I have no excuses. I slacked off and this is the result.

I have to congratulate Burke for his outstanding month. I'm going to have to hustle to catch up with the guy.

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