A Day in the Life of JonnyQ888

A Day in the Life of JQ888

Friday, November 02, 2007

Making Progress

I've been focused on building Product Site 1 (P1) for the last week or two. I have hit on a very crucial concept that has helped to boost sales. Prior to incorporating this idea, I would badger my subscribers for sales. I mean, I would hammer them!

I would get complaints.

I would get unsubscribes.

And finally, they conditioned themselves not read my email if it seemed like I was going to sell them my product (or other affiliate products). Then I watched Ed Dale's video on check moves. Basically the concept is to provide visitors the opportunity to buy as many times as you can but not "sell" to them.

In that effort, I started adding a box at the bottom of some of my articles that talked about a product the visitor could use. The content of the article would focus completely on educating the visitor with no sales attempts made whatsoever.

As I added this to more articles, sales started to increase! Rather than hammering my list with "buy my product now" type emails, I just tell them to look at the new articles. The list is happier, I'm making more sales, and most of all it is more sustainable. Back in June when things did massively well, I had to beat the list with discounts for buying related affiliate products and
things of that nature. That relentless approach will not work over an extended period of time. This one will!

I have also been focusing on getting backlinks. Following Jen's advice, I have been submitting articles to article directories more frequently. My goal is to get into the top 5 for 5 of the main phrases. If I can do that and add in the next elements, I think I should hop over the $100/day mark for p1 alone.

The Next Elements

These are a new info product for P1 and getting dropshipping up and running. The info product is going to replace that of a former JV partner. While he and I did work well together and his product has sold decently, he has moved on to bigger and better things. Currently, my cut of the affiliate sale is $16. My new info product will bring in $50-70/sale. Huge difference!

First thing necessary for the new product is to poll my subscribers. The searches for the topic are really low but I know from talking to my subscribers that they are looking for this information. This means that while I wouldn't necessarily use PPC for this, I would use my newsletter to promote it to subscribers. While typing, I realized that I could make the product even better by making it general enough to fit the topic of site #3 (built back in 2005) but include a special "bonus" that would be specific to the niche of P1. This will allow me to hit a broader market and increase earnings! Thanks for the brainstorming session=)

The next element is dropshipping. I talked to a CPA Wednesday and they said that at the moment and with the current earnings, I really don't need to incorporate yet. This means that all I need to do is get the tax ID from the IRS and register my business with the state. From there I'm off to become an e-commerce merchant! Never thought I'd see the day.

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  • Hey, I'm curious about those "boxes" you mention that you put in your articles. Care to share more about them?

    And way to keep going there buddy :)

    By Blogger Unknown, at 5:12 PM  

  • Basically they are just tables. At the beginning of the article, I would put in a div box on the left side of the article like most people do with Adsense. The reason is that is the first place people look when opening a webpage. This consists of a small picture of the product and a short headline.

    The next box would be a table in light yellow positioned at the bottom-center of the page after the article. In the box is a picture of the product (bigger than the first one) and a clickable headline beneath it. Under that headline is a short paragraph describing the product and then bulletpoints of some of the major benefits. After the bullet points is another clickable headline.

    So far it is doing pretty well.

    By Blogger JonnyQ888, at 7:57 PM  

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