A Day in the Life of JonnyQ888

A Day in the Life of JQ888

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Holy Cow!!!

I didn't realize it had been this long since my last post. That's insane!

Anyway, I'm plugging away at my email marketing. Right now my sign ups are pretty low - between 6 and 10%. However, I am split testing and working to boost that number. My goal is to reach at least 25% opt-in.

My copywriter for my product salesletters is AWOL. I'm going to call her to night and get things back on track. She had a personal event take place earlier this year so I've given her a lot of leeway but now I really need her to finish the job. I'm actually going to end up paying half of what we had agreed upon because she felt bad about the delays. Even so, not having those letters by now has thrown a lot of my goals off for the entire year.

Other than that, my girlfriend moved to Michigan for law school. I'm working hard so that I can go full time and move up there. Hopefully I'll be able to do that soon.

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