A Day in the Life of JonnyQ888

A Day in the Life of JQ888

Thursday, March 17, 2016

One Year Later

It has been a year since the last post.  A ton has happened, of course.

Had a baby.  Bought a new house. Etc. Etc.

The fat loss site has been up for awhile but monetization has been slow and it has been completely my fault.  I think that part of it is that I have had so many things fall apart that I have developed a fear of failure that is holding me back.  I am pushing past it, though.  I have a great site and the fat loss program I developed is very promising.

I have spent the past few weeks doing things that I should have been doing long ago - essentially foundation building.  Things like shifting to a responsive theme, creating better social media profiles, and incorporating plugins to make content promotion more solid.  Content promotion is going to be my primary focus so that the traffic can start flowing.  The site has not had consistent traffic growth but that is going to change.  What you focus on and measure will improve, right?=)

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