A Day in the Life of JonnyQ888

A Day in the Life of JQ888

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Too Much Ambition for One Man...

...will lead to either greatness or ruin.

So, since I last posted I've fired one person, hired 3 more, and will be firing at least one of them soon. Hard to find good help you know. I'm also starting a separate "division" of my business that is going to help me quit my job in the next few weeks. It's big, mean, ambitious as hell and completely secret.

Even so, I'm anticipating that each sale is going to mean a sizable payday.

As far as the affiliate/internet marketing division, things have seriously stagnated. However, I have developed training tools for my employees so that even if I have to hire a completely new team (very possible) I will be able to get them up and running much faster.

The focus is still on 4 sites plus the new division. However, I believe that once I get the writers and VA working smoothly, they will be running the Machine that I designed with little interference from me. That's the goal.

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