Met with the editor today to make the final touches on the product. I thought I'd be able to walk away with it today but I was, of course, mistaken. Oh well, things are progressing so that is all I can really ask for, right? We will just say yes and move on=)
Laptop time. After not being able to find what I want, I have decided to just go with Dell and have them craft one for me. With the options that I need, it looks like it will run me about $1k. Not nearly as bad as I thought but the laptops are also on sale at the moment. When are they not on sale at Dell=) Anyway, I will probably order it Tuesday after I transfer some money around. Finally!
Real Estate
It looks like the tenant will be out in a week or two. I really hate kicking them out especially this close to the holidays. I wish the bank wasn't requiring me to live there or I'd leave things as they are and let them stay. Right now, the duplex has a positive cashflow of $295/month. That $295 would have the same effect on my cost of living as me moving into the duplex. Oh well. I plan to stay there for 6 months, a year tops, and then move into another place.
Rinse and repeat...